Meeting Venue (Quarterly Meetings)
The Methodist Church hall, Steeple Ashton
STEEPLE ASHTON NATURAL HISTORY CLUB (SANHC) Our Natural History Club is a very informal gathering of villagers who share an interest in wildlife (not wild living)! We meet about every quarter at The Methodist church hall, and discuss what we have seen around the area.One of our member gives a short talk on anything alive and kicking. This can be anything from the birds and the bees, to the history of sheep or pony breeds.
We have the occasional trip outdoors. We struggled all the way down to Southbrook Lane to check out our geologically world-famous coral beds. I bet you did not know that Steeple Ashton was like the Great Barrier Reef during the Jurassic Period? Yes, we did find fossil coral ! Local Bat and Bird walks have been undertaken also. Occasionally we venture further afield such as Salisbury Plain to see Short Eared owls and Hen Harriers or Langford Lakes to see a variety of water birds.
if you cannot get along to meetings, we email out regular sightings of particular interest, just to keep you informed of just how many special birds, insects, plants and animals are quietly going about their business, right under our noses ! For more information please contact Roger Ferguson on 07922125323 (mob) or 870860 landline: or David Culverhouse on 871621